The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75309   Message #1332905
Posted By: GUEST,jacqui.c
19-Nov-04 - 06:58 PM
Thread Name: BS: Back to Old Blighty - Kendall & jacqui.c
Subject: RE: BS: Back to Old Blighty - Kendall & jacqui.c
Thanks Pixie and Alan. Offers gratefully accepted.

EP - we plan to get into London at least one day during our stay and to get together with you.

At the moment the first thing we have to do is help my daughter clear my house before completion on, we hope, 10 December. Once that is done we will be able to work out where we are going to be and when. As I will no longer have the house we will need to stay with friends close to Hertford/London and this has to be arranged as well.

Sooz - Gainsborough is on the list of wants - we'll be there if we can - especially since it's non smoking!