The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75714   Message #1333058
Posted By: PoppaGator
19-Nov-04 - 09:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bobert's latest question about Womenz...
Subject: RE: BS: Bobert's latest question about Womenz...
Women definitely take way too damn long at the checkout, especially when they're in front of me in the express line, but I don't think it's because they're surprised at having to pay.

It's because so many of them still insist on paying BY CHECK (writing out the amount in words and numerals, signing in their best penmanship, having their IDs checked, etc. etc.)! Even for, like, $6.95! If you can't carry ten or twenty bucks in cash, for crissakes swipe a card -- you can do that these days! And you don't even have to run up credit, or even *have* credit -- the bank will give you a debit card, for crying out loud!

In the opening scene of "The Big Lebowski," our hero buys a pint of half-and-half to make his "Caucasians" (white Russians), and makes a great display out writing a check for $0.69. A rubber check, in fact. Funny stuff. In real life, of course, this is not male behavior -- not even washed-up hippy burnout male behavior. (Believe me, I'm an expert on THAT topic...)