The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75483   Message #1333486
Posted By: The Shambles
20-Nov-04 - 09:06 AM
Thread Name: BS: Fight prejudice! Fight the Ban!
Subject: RE: BS: Fight prejudice! Fight the Ban!
The Times
November 20, 2004

Hunt ban impossible to enforce, Police say
By Valerie Elliott, Countryside Editor, and Philip Webster, Political Editor

THE ban on hunting will be almost impossible to enforce, police chiefs said yesterday, hours after it became law.
Senior lawyers also predicted that the level of proof required for a successful prosecution would be difficult to obtain.

Photographs or a video of riders chasing a fox or deer would be needed to prove that unlawful hunting had taken place.

Alastair McWhirter, the Association of Chief Police Officers spokesman on hunting with dogs, said last night that prosecutions would go ahead only if people admitted that they were hunting or if an animal were seen during a chase.

In a statement which will come as blow to supporters of the ban, Mr McWhirter said: "It is not an offence to wear red or pink coats or jackets, it is not an offence to exercise hounds or keep up traditions of using horns or meeting for a ride on horseback on private land.

"Unless someone owns up, you need a wild mammal in the picture to show that someone has committed an offence."

However, Mr McWhirter later added: "We would enforce it to the best of our ability."

The ban comes into force on February 19, ten days before the end of the foxhunting season. Deer hunting on Exmoor will continue into April.

The Countryside Alliance formally lodged a legal challenge in the High Court yesterday over use of the Parliament Act 1949 to force it through.

Chief constables believe that the law will be tested in a way that has not been seen since the introduction of the breathalyser in 1967. The new law does not even include a definition of hunting as an activity.

Peter Neyroud, the Chief Constable of Thames Valley, said: "Enforcement is not going to be easy."

Chief Superintendent Rick Naylor, president of the Superintendents' Association, said that there would be problems with forces having to deal with mass disobedience.

Leading criminal lawyers agreed that a ban would be difficult for police to enforce.

David Spens, QC, chairman of the Criminal Bar Association, said that the hardest matter would be proving that people intended to go hunting and to break the law.

If hounds were distracted by a real animal in a drag hunt, however, he believes that riders would have to stop their chase immediately.


What a load of rubbish! The hunters are saying that come February they will openly flout the law and to do will openly admit they are hunting foxes. Are they going to get any creditibility if they deny it? It is difficult to see the difficulties in obtaining prosecutions the police chiefs and lawyers are talking about.

Interesting where the police claim to be in difficulties in enforcing some legislation but have no difficulties in others. Law-breaking on picket lines for example, does not present the police with such difficulties..........