The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #52997   Message #1334032
Posted By: Nemesis
20-Nov-04 - 07:18 PM
Thread Name: BS: the BEST!!! Nigerian scam letter yet!
Subject: A fish called Wanda
Dear Friend,

Please pardon my intruding into your privacy. This is
occasioned by my desperate need for assistance with
regards to my present predicament.

First, let me introduce myself as Mrs.Wanda Tahar,
wife to the late regional minister, Ahmed Bin Tahar,
who was assassinated by the Janjaweed rebel forces in
our hometown, southern Darfur region of Sudan. Of
course it is world knowledge - The crisis in my
country, where government and the rebel forces engage
in massive killings of innocent civilians, destruction
of the city, looting and the shameful raping of our
women, and children, that which as made over 200,000
citizens, including myself and children flee into
comparative safety across the border to Chad where
French troops provide a safe buffer from the murderous
Janjaweed and government army, as we hope for a
peaceful resolution by the United Nations and Africa

Visit this website for insight into the Darfur

I write, seeking your understanding and assistance to
help secure certain deposit belonging to my late
husband with a security company in Europe. Considering
the circumstances, I am been advised to present a
trusted proxy who would take delivery of this deposit,
$9.5M on my behalf for safekeeping and liberation of
my family to a safe heaven, preferably your country.

If you are capable of handling transactions of this
nature, I am willing to compensate you with a 30%
commission of the entire amount for your assistance.
Do not hesitate to forward your letter of interest, to
my secure email address below so that I will then
furnish you with more details and modalities for
claims. Be rest assured that this matter is 100% risk
free and will be handled under a legitimate

I have with me all relevant documentations for claims,
but only require your sincerity and transparent
honesty of not sitting on the fund when it eventually
gets to you.

Please treat as urgent and confidential, and if you
think you can't be of any help, advise me through same
medium to enable me scout for a more experienced and
capable hand.

Thank you for your time and patience.

Yours truly,
Mrs.Wanda Tahar.