The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75752   Message #1334118
Posted By: Jerry Rasmussen
20-Nov-04 - 09:45 PM
Thread Name: Giving music for Christmas
Subject: Giving music for Christmas
'Tis the season. Of Jingle Bell Rock, relentless product plugging, frazzled nerves and too often unrealized expectations. But, that's only part of the season, whether you celebrate Christ in Christmas, or just as a social event. This thread is not meant to exclude anyone, and it could just as easily be titled "Giving Music For Hannakuh" or "Giving music For Next Thursday." The two key words are "Giving" and "Music."

Now, because we are in the Holiday season, whether we like it or not,
most people might read this title and start to think about what CDs to give friends or family for Christmas.

This thread isn't about that, either.

Most of us Catters are musicians and we have been given the gift of creating music. Like all gifts, music needs to be nurtured, but I believe that music is indeed a gift. All you have to do is listen to someone earnestly singing off key, not realizing that they are, to be reminded that music is not simply will power. It is something deeper than that. And more precious.

When I talk about giving music, I mean giving of ourselves, through the music that we play. I know that there are many Catters in here who quietly go about bringing music to nursing homes, hospitals, homeless shelters and other places where people there are starved for human connection. They aren't interested in fantastic instrumental breaks between verses. They need to feel part of something bigger than the nurse and the person next to them dozing in a wheel chair.
Sometimes, just taking their hand in yours, looking them in the eye and asking how they are is all they need. But, almost everyone responds to music. In a way, it almost doesn't matter what the music is. If music soothes the savage beast, it also soothes the broken bodied and the broken hearted. And those who feel forgotten.

This year, my wife and I and some of the Messengers are going to try to set aside some time before Christmas to join Barbara and Frank Shaw of Shore Grass to bring some music, cheer and a generous serving of love to those who are in greatest need. My wife and I and friends will also be going to at least one nursing home on our own for the same purpose.

I know there are many other Catters who will be giving the gift of their music during this Holiday season. It doesn't have to be Christmas carols, or gospel... just a gift of yourself. I'd just like to encourage others to seek out the opportunity to share of yourself during this Holiday season. It will be the best gift you can give, and certainly the best you'll receive.
