The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75549   Message #1334164
Posted By: Peace
20-Nov-04 - 10:59 PM
Thread Name: BS: Burn Baby Burn
Subject: RE: BS: Burn Baby Burn
And yes, Guest US: we are aware that US Marines are risking their lives to help civilians--they always have. It's the "policy" most of us disagree with. This war--unfettered and undirected by elected people in Washington--left to the military, would be over now--would have been over months ago. You can't seem to get your head around the idea that your C-in-C is a complete and utter dolt, and that he and the VP do not mind how many people they cause to be killed on either 'side' of this whole thing. Their interest is not what you seem to think it is.