The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75483   Message #1334268
Posted By: The Shambles
21-Nov-04 - 04:47 AM
Thread Name: BS: Fight prejudice! Fight the Ban!
Subject: RE: BS: Fight prejudice! Fight the Ban!
As for dragging in Maggie Thatcher and secondary picketing I mean, how irrelevant can you get!

Now that is an idea for drag hunting! The hunters can drag poor old Maggie (in her customary full drag) behind them and the hounds can follow her scent trail.

As for the secondary picketing - I can think of no better example. The police at that time, did not seem to be unwilling to enforce this measure. And there were no cries heard then from the Countryside Alliance, that the the police were doing anything wrong or supporting prejudice by enforcing the law.

Should we not expect our police or at least their well-paid chiefs,   to be just as ready now as then, to simply do their job? This job is enforcing the law, rather than of speaking out now to encourage potential law-breakers to think that the law will not be able to be enforced by them?

If there should prove to be practical difficulties for the police - I can think of many thousands of hunt sabs and anti-hunt people who would be only too willing to help. To attend every illegal hunt and with great public support, ensure that all the necessary video evidence of individuals involved in all aspects of illegal hunting is provided to the police.