The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75767   Message #1334878
Posted By: Bobert
21-Nov-04 - 10:05 PM
Thread Name: BS: How low can it go? (USD question)
Subject: RE: BS: How low can it go? (USD question)
Well, strong 'er week, one thing is fir sure... The Chinese and Japanese, who have are bankrollin' the US may get to a point where they say, "Hey, we can't get nuthin' from you folks in exchange fir these things so pay up, in yen, thank you". Then what will happen?

(A big mushroom cloud over China, Bobert?)

Well, I'll tell you what will happen. Bush will nuke them both back into the stone ages...

(No, Bobert, bad answer...)

Well, heck if I know, but off shorin' certainly ain't helping the US. Yeah, it's making cheap stuff for Americans but if we don't have no jobs to pay fir them, what's the purpose...

(Awww, Bobert. There you go with that doom and gloom. Hey, so what if ya' ain't got a job. You still got lots of credit cards, don't ya?)

Well, that's my point. We do have credit cards. Buy now, pay later. Heck, if it's good enough for Bush it's good 'nuff fir me..

