The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75483   Message #1334977
Posted By: The Shambles
22-Nov-04 - 02:16 AM
Thread Name: BS: Fight prejudice! Fight the Ban!
Subject: RE: BS: Fight prejudice! Fight the Ban!
In the same way I defend the rights of foxhunters to continue their activities even though I don't, and wouldn't, join them in their headlong rush around the hedges and ditches.

Do you not see that the law has been passed and as a result the argument has changed?

If you are consistent - do you now also support the 'right' of everybody who wishes to exert their 'right' to burgle you house, rape you, use bombs to kill people on mass and their right to continue to indulge in every other criminal act?

The law may oppress but it also protects and the law is not a Christmas selction of chocolate bars - for us to pick and choose from.

I and many others have fought The Licensing Act 2003 but it IS to be the law come February. When it was passed, no matter what I thought about it - I had to first accept that it - as a fact and change the approach. You can work legally to overturn new law it and ensure that as little damage is done in the mean time - to your cause and publicity does not hurt in this - but the option of pretending that the world is as it used to be - is not an option.