The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75797   Message #1335616
Posted By: Clinton Hammond
22-Nov-04 - 04:01 PM
Thread Name: BS: JFK Reloaded - Assassination Video Game
Subject: RE: BS: JFK Reloaded - Assassination Video Game
"Journal of Personality and Social Psychology"
A bucket of guess-work in a white lab coat... I have more 'faith' in the 5 day weather forecast....

Video games do not CAUSE violence... Any more than TV does... or movies....   Or Rock 'n' Roll.... Or D&D....

People don't NEED anything exterior to cause violent behavior...   People are shitty enough to each other on their own...

Whatever... -I- don't really care... Your opinion of it won't stop ME from playing the games I want to...

Hummm... Mudcat photos are posted all over the net eh.... Bet I could edit up a Mudcat-ageddon.... That's be funny too