The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75797   Message #1335693
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
22-Nov-04 - 05:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: JFK Reloaded - Assassination Video Game
Subject: RE: BS: JFK Reloaded - Assassination Video Game
I just saw a documentary - Did you know that JFK was wearing a back brace when he was shot? Apparantly the first shot, through the neck, probably would not have killed him but would have made him fall over. The second shot would not have reached him. The back brace kept him upright and a sitting duck. So it was a back brace that killed him!

I must say I tend to agree it is all much ado about nothing. There are millions of people who have died in much worse circumstances. All video games, and films to a certain extent, will emulate the death of someone loved by someone else.

The only reason this is reaching the news is that it is offending the sensibilities of people who have an inflated opinion, in my mind, of the respect they should have for JFK. I was only 10 in 1963 but from what I have learned since he did not seem a very nice man anyway! Certainly not to his wife and family.
