The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #15074   Message #133579
Posted By: roopoo
09-Nov-99 - 03:36 AM
Thread Name: Lyr ADD: The Big Ship Sails
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: The Big Ship Sails
Ps - didn't the "dusty Bluebells" go to the tune of Bobby Shafto? I have just dug out an ancient copy of the Opie book which someone gave me years ago. Interesting. It was first published in the year I can first remember doing these rhymes. I can't find the Big Ship in it. Where do I look? I have found some variations of a skipping game we had to "Manchester Guardian,Evening News; Our back door goes Flip-Flap-Flooze". And on Flooze, the skipper bobs down and stays down while the twiners carry on at head height. The rhyme is repeated, and on Flooze the rope is swung down and the (stationary and crouching) skipper has to bob up and carry on. Going now before I get carried away.
