The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75690   Message #1336116
Posted By: GUEST,US
23-Nov-04 - 12:03 AM
Thread Name: BS: Suggest a welcome for Bush
Subject: RE: BS: Suggest a welcome for Bush
I betcha the BC bud up there is great too. That is a big reason to emigrate. Sorta takes your mind off of the details like those terrorists that enter through Canaduh and cross the border to blow up something in the US.

"Ressam has said he met Haouari through mutual friends in Montreal after he immigrated there in 1994 and "lived on welfare and theft" -- at times with the defendant. They planned to open a grocery store to further a counterfeit credit card scheme.

"Ressam, speaking through an Arabic interpreter, said after taking the ferry from Victoria, Canada, to Port Angeles, Washington, "they stopped me. They asked me, 'Where are you going to,' from what I understood. ... They said, 'Open the car,' and started searching. I ran."

Thanks to Canada's well-known, lax immigration and refugee system, five Middle Eastern men are currently being hunted in the United States as suspected Muslim terrorists.

Incredibly, in the middle of a world-wide war against Islamic extremism, the five men, who landed in Toronto on Christmas Eve from Pakistan via London, were allowed to go free after claiming refugee status. And, as soon as they were released onto Canadian streets, they headed for the United States,
helped across the border by a professional smuggling ring that may have slipped 14 other people across that day.

Uncle Sam