The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75136   Message #1336758
Posted By: Lizzie still in Sidmouth!
23-Nov-04 - 03:37 PM
Thread Name: Sidmouth 2005+ - opinions
Subject: RE: Sidmouth 2005+ - opinions
Hello Guys! I'm just SO pleased that all you Miserable Moaning Minnies above aren't coming to Sidmouth!! I really am! Please, please, please, promise me you WON'T change your minds and come! I just couldn't BEAR it! After all, this is MY town and I don't want you moaners and stirrers here!

All of you who ARE coming, are coming for the right reasons! Because you LOVE Sidmouth and what it stands for. It's you who are going to make the Folk Week! It REALLY is THAT simple! :-) :-)

You'll not be walking around moaning about this and tut-tutting about that! Nope! You'll be dancing, sitting in the parks playing music, down on the Seafront chatting to each other and watching all the singers and the dancers. In The Bedford, where you've gathered for years and years, and The Swan and The Anchor!

Up in Connaught Gardens or tickling your toes in the waves, climbing on the Rock Islands and sitting in Absolute Ecstasy in The Arena watching Show of Hands,(sigh!) and The Battlefield Band.(Yey!) Then there's all those Magnificent Morris Dancers, twirling and swirling all over town, outside Fields, round by the Church, where the squirrels all sit on the gravestones, and on to Fiddlers Green, by the bus stops.

But BEST of ALL! NO MOANING MINNIES OR MICKEYS at Sidmouth Folk Week!! Just people with smiles on their faces having a good time!
I just can't wait for all you Sidmouth Groupies to get here! I really can't! :-) :-)
