The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75136   Message #1336812
Posted By: Adrianl
23-Nov-04 - 04:17 PM
Thread Name: Sidmouth 2005+ - opinions
Subject: RE: Sidmouth 2005+ - opinions
It saddens me to see so much anger from people about what they say that Sidmouth Fesival should or should not be.

I have only been going to Sidmouth for the last four years but it seems to me that its strength was it variety. You could regard it as a series of parallel festivals going on at the same town. English Ceilidh, Social Dance, Large Arena events, acoustic sessions, morris etc. If you wanted you could stay within one stream but its strength was created by people moving from one stream to another. As far as I can see many people are working to carry this on in 2005 to create a base to continue in the future. I hope they succeed.
