The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75690   Message #1337109
Posted By: Little Hawk
23-Nov-04 - 08:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: Suggest a welcome for Bush
Subject: RE: BS: Suggest a welcome for Bush
A few more good ideas...

A "whoopee" cushion on his chair.

A chair that sets his pants on fire...which would be appropriate, don't you think?

A lot of heel-clicking and Nazi salutes at the public gatherings whenever he begins to speak.

Give him a present...a large globe of the World with little oil rigs all over it in the right places, all marked "Property of the USA". exploding cigar, like they used to sell in comic books when we were very young.

Or...a little toy Diebold voting machine. When you vote "Bush" on it, Bush gets 1 vote. When you vote "Kerry" on it, Bush gets 1 vote and Kerry gets half a vote. When you vote "Nader" on it, Bush gets 2 votes, Nader gets a tenth of a vote, and Kerry gets ZIP! Unless you are Republican, this gets boring pretty fast...but if you ARE Republican you will play happily with your diecast Diebold for days!

Or...a little statue of Karl Rove with a smug look on his face and holding a diecast Diebold replica in one hand and a glass of champagne in the other.