The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75823   Message #1337280
Posted By: Deckman
24-Nov-04 - 12:14 AM
Thread Name: Songs you thought were trad
Subject: RE: Songs you thought were trad
I know I've told this story before, but perhaps this thread requires that I repeat it:

It was about 1965, in Berkeley, California. We were in the audience enjoying a concert by the late and great David Spence. He was a wonderful folksinger and story teller, being quite true to his heritage of Belfast, Ireland.

He sang "The Little Land," introducing it as a traditional song from the auld country. At the conclusion of the song, Malvena Reynolds stood up in the audience and announced that "I WROTE THAT SONG!"

Poor Dave. He was embarresed almost beyond words. He listened to her very repsectfully, appologized to her, and simply said that he truly thought it was an "traditional song."

That was a night to remember! CHEERS, Bob