The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #2907   Message #13385
Posted By: Dale Rose
28-Sep-97 - 12:54 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Lake of the Dismal Swamp (Thomas Moore)
Subject: RE: LYR.REQ.(JoeO):Moore, maiden/canoe/snake song
Yes, same Joe of Woodstock "fame". I can't see into his mind to figure out his views, but obviously people have always seen different wars in different lights. The back cover of the album includes a fictional letter from Joe to his wife. It is hand written and is partially covered by a rose, but it does bring out his sentiments, I believe.

Excerpts follow: (I have put in italics my interpretations of what lies behind the rose)

The President told us that we ain't fighting the germans but we're fighting the Prussians. I hope somewhere along the way they tell us how to tell the difference. . . I 'm still not sure why we're fighting the Huns but the U.S. wouldn't be spending so much money to send us here if they didn't have a reason.