The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75326 Message #1339824
Posted By: GUEST
26-Nov-04 - 12:47 PM
Thread Name: BS: I LOVE GEORGE W. BUSH!!!
George Bush has got you up to your eyes in debt. He thought that invading Iraq might get you out of it and the complete opposite has happened. If the US had been an "ordinary" country the IMF would have closed you down years ago. Don't take my word - listen to Alan Greenspan - he's already calling the warnings about this unintelligent person making promises about cutting Taxes and the deficit at the same time . If you want to live in a civilised Society cutting Taxes and the deficit at the same time can't be done - it costs money to maintain a civilised society - that money is called Tax. There lies a fearful, bumpy, financial road ahead all because this guy has undone all Clinton's good work in balancing the books. Just keep printing the green-backs and see where that will get you . Still , they say you only get the Politicians you deserve.