The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75823   Message #1340083
Posted By: kytrad (Jean Ritchie)
26-Nov-04 - 06:39 PM
Thread Name: Songs you thought were trad
Subject: RE: Songs you thought were trad
I haven't checked this thread in awhile, so just saw Celtaddict's story about Holdstock & MacLeod. As I remember, they were singing, "Come Far Away," and I had to correct them,- "Come Fare Away," and tell them the girl's name was originally Marnie, not Mollie. Yes, I got around to publishing it (again in CELEBRATION OF LIFE)in 1971. It was inspired by many of our young friends becoming Canadians during the war in Viet Nam- the song harks back to all the tragic reasons, all down the years, causing young folks to leave their homes and seek new lands. The full title is, "Come Fare Away With Me."