The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #48353   Message #1340277
Posted By: Coyote Breath
27-Nov-04 - 12:27 AM
Thread Name: Help: What is bulgine pie?
Subject: RE: Sea term: bulgine pie
I recall these lines from a song whose title I can't remember;

The finest clipper ship you'll find
(Heave away, haul away)
Is the Martha Evans of the Black Ball line
(Clear away the decks and let the bullgine run)

It's mighty windy 'round Cape Horn
(Heave away, haul away)
The roughest trip since I was born
(Clear away tyhe decks and let the bullgine run)

I don't remember where I heard it but I do remember the tune as well.
I thought that bullgine was a reference to some very powerful engine used in conjunction with bringing cargo on board. That would be right if the bullgine is a quayside implement of some sort as Mr. Finn remarks on.