The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #15184   Message #134059
Posted By: WyoWoman
10-Nov-99 - 09:24 AM
Thread Name: Jazz question/cool not hot?
Subject: Jazz question/cool not hot?
I have a CD of Miles Davis' "Kind of Blue," which is one of my favorite albums ever. However, I got another Miles Davis CD and I didn't really like it that much (sorry). I think the distinction is between cool jazz and le jazz hot. I don't like all that busy-ness, I guess. I want something mellow and cooool when I'm needing to unwind.

Can anyone recommend other CDs/artists I might like that are cool like "Kind of Blue" (without hurling invective because I dared to say I wasn't fond of something Miles Davis did? I forever ruined my image in the eyes of one of the men I work with when I admitted that...)