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Thread #75962   Message #1340600
Posted By: michaelr
27-Nov-04 - 02:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: Petition: Save Ireland's cultural heritage
Subject: BS: Petition: Save Ireland's cultural herita
Excuse the copy-paste, but this is important.

Decision due on Hill of Tara motorway

Archaeologists say 'heart and soul of Ireland' is threatened

Angelique Chrisafis, Ireland correspondent
Thursday November 11, 2004
The Guardian (excerpt:)
Full article here.

It is Ireland's most sacred stretch of earth and one of the most important ancient landscapes in Europe. The Hill of Tara, with its passage tomb, earthworks and prehistorical burial mounds, is the mythical and ceremonial capital of Ireland, dating back 4,000 years.
But now the landscape in county Meath, north-west of Dublin, is the subject of a campaign to save it from what one archaeologist has called the "worst case of state-sponsored vandalism ever inflicted on Irish cultural heritage".

More than 50 senior academics have joined a protest against state plans to build a four-lane motorway through the valley and create a 10-hectare (25-acre) floodlit motorway exchange half a mile from the hill itself, slicing through what historians say is a hinterland of settlements and burial grounds.

A pagan sanctuary which became the centre of Irish kingship, Tara served as an icon of nationalism and a symbolic battleground in the 1798 rebellion. In the late 19th century, when a group calling themselves the British-Israelites decided to excavate Tara, convinced that the ark of the covenant was buried there, outraged protesters included the poet WB Yeats.

On a good day you can see half the counties of Ireland from the Hill of Tara. It is not its beauty that drives campaigners, but its archaeological and historical importance as the "heart and soul of Ireland" and one of the few prehistoric landscapes in Europe that is still intact.

They are demanding soul-searching about Ireland's apparent lack of respect for its history now that it has become wealthy.

The motorway plans have been passed by Ireland's planning board, despite the campaign by archaeologists and local groups, and are now sitting on the desk of the new environment minister, Dick Roche, who has the power to say yes or no. A decision is imminent.

Dozens of academics from Ireland and abroad have written of their concerns in the Dublin-based Sunday Tribune. Dennis Harding of the archaeology department at Edinburgh University called the plans "an act of cultural vandalism as flagrant as ripping a knife through a Rembrandt painting".

Archaeologists who have researched Tara say the nine-mile stretch of the new M3 motorway will mean the excavation of at least 28 sites and monuments in the road's corridor. But these, they say, will be "ultimately destroyed".

They expect many more sites to be affected, with 48 archaeological zones within 500 metres of the road corridor and around one site every 300 metres along the road itself.

What puzzles many international archaeologists is why Ireland has chosen this motorway route at a time when British authorities are spending hundreds of millions of pounds trying to undo past mistakes at Stonehenge. There they are grassing over one road and burying another in a tunnel to remove traffic from the surroundings of the ancient monument.

Edel Bhreathnach, a medieval historian at University College Dublin, and editor of a forthcoming book on kingship and the landscape of Tara, said if the government approved the motorway it would be "the decision of a people who no longer understand their past".

The road authorities have already dug test trenches along the corridor of the motorway, identifying 28 sites which they could excavate before building.

Dr Bhreathnach said she was unhappy about hurried excavations. "You should only excavate as part of a research project," she said.

Julitta Clancy of Meath Archaeological and Historical society said her family suffered horribly from the traffic congestion, with her student daughter having to take out a loan to live in Dublin as she could not commute to college.

"We desperately need a traffic solution here in Meath, but we just want it rerouted away from a sensitive landscape," she said.