The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75883   Message #1341516
Posted By: Metchosin
28-Nov-04 - 07:52 PM
Thread Name: BS: Things people keep........
Subject: RE: BS: Things people keep........
Back in the days of too much psychedelic drugs, an acquaintance of my husband had a large collection of RCMP memorabilia on his mantlepiece, along with a collection of jars, each containing a sample of his feces along with a meticulous list of what he had eaten for the day to produce his collection. He had 30 little jars for the month.

He was subsequently visitd by a couple of RCMP officers for a chat, whose eyes drifted to the mantlepiece, whereupon they found themselves with nothing left to say and left.

That's about as weird as you get im my mind, unless you're Jeffery Dalmer.