The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #70219   Message #1341903
Posted By: JohnInKansas
29-Nov-04 - 07:58 AM
Thread Name: Tech: Help Needed : RealPlayer
Subject: RE: Tech: Help Needed : Real Player
A recent review of a few commercial programs for capturing streaming audio is up at PC Magazine's site. I don't do much audio capture, so I can't comment on the programs; but it might be of interest if you're wondering what features are available, and which are significant. I noted that the products reviewed vary quite a lot in which broadcast formats they can catch, and in which formats they allow you to save. There's also quite a bit of difference in ability to do things like track separations automatically, manually, or not at all…. The programs covered are generally around $30 (US).

Streaming Audio Capture Tools makes you flip through about 3 pages. It does show some additional links in sidebars – not to more info on audio capture, but maybe to other subjects of interest(?). Probably not.

You can get the whole thing in one screen by clicking on "Print" at the bottom of a page. I tried linking direct to the "printable" version, but they seem not to want you to connect directly there.

A couple of the programs do appear to offer "fast save" without listening.

There's one "Mac only" program included.
