The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72319   Message #1343949
Posted By: Amos
30-Nov-04 - 11:09 PM
Thread Name: BS: Matter and Spirit
Subject: RE: BS: Matter and Spirit
And I knew that the answers I needed were beyond the scope of either science or psychology. They still are.


That depends entirely on the school of psychology. Obviously if you stick to old-boy Skinnerian SR chains you won't find the answer to precognition, asleep or not.

If you read Maslow, Marilyn Fergusen (Aquarian Conspiracy), Henri Bergson, Richard Bach, Wayne Dyer, Dr. Larry Dossery, and on and on you will see them all pointing at a non-local model of awareness which makes non-local perception through space-time more normal looking. I suspect it takes a LOT more energy to keep knowing local and tied to the place where the wet-ware is, than it does to just know from whatever locale or point in time you choose to focus your attention. Keeping your knowing tied down to the hitching post of the body requires the maintenance of a lot of barriers that only seem to be useful.