The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76039   Message #1343954
Posted By: Bobert
30-Nov-04 - 11:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: State's Rights, Pot and the Supremes....
Subject: RE: BS: State's Rights, Pot and the Supremes....
Ahhhhh, except them helicopters flying overhead with infa-red cameras out to catch anyone, old ladies included, fir growin' pot...

You really can't do whatever you want.... unfortunately.

Somehow, I don't want George Bush's Justice Department sniffin' round this holler lookin' fir my patch...

The feds oughtta stick wigth fed stuff and leave the danged states alone when it comes to state stuff. Heck, with the Bush tax giveaway to the rich, which has required states to step up to the plate big time to fund programs the feds used to its a slap in the face for the feds to tell the states how to legislate morals....

Fire the feds.... Don't pay yer taxes...
