The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76095   Message #1344449
Posted By: wilco
01-Dec-04 - 11:57 AM
Thread Name: New Music store, need fiddle advice
Subject: New Music store, need fiddle advice
I recently opened a retail (walk-in) acoustic, tarditional music store in Chattanooga, Tennessee. I've been deluged with fddle players. There is no fiddle store in the area.
    I've got a good product line. My weak link is fiddles. I've got entry level fiddles from cremona and palatino, but I'd like a better line of fiddles, retailing for $400.00 to $1000.00.
    I've been sending people to local luthiers, who make great fidddles, but they start at $1200.00 US, which these people don't want to pay.
