The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67942   Message #1345872
Posted By: PoppaGator
02-Dec-04 - 08:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: Job Interview - Explaining the gaps
Subject: RE: BS: Job Interview - Explaining the gaps
I was out of work for over a year a while back -- more than ten years ago, actually. When I finally got a job, it wasn't a very good one, and so I hopped from one mediocre job to another over the next 3-4 years before falling into my current acceptable-enough position, where I've persevered for about eight years now.

Every time I applied for a job during and after that long out-of-work period, I expected to be asked about the gap in my employment record, but it *never* happened -- a lot of worry over nothing!

So, don't waste your energy in expectation of being raked over the coals by an interviewer trying to extract embarrassing information from you. As others have already mentioned, don't lie, but don't tell the complete warts-and-all truth, either. Tell 'em an edited version of the truth that accentuates the positive.

You'll do OK; even if you don't get this job this time, you'll be better prepared for the next try, which you should be able to handle with ever-increasing confidence.

Good luck!