The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #15213   Message #134705
Posted By: Rick Fielding
11-Nov-99 - 03:54 PM
Thread Name: 3 days of urban black music
Subject: RE: 3 days of urban black music
Good point Wyo. Generally I've never had much of an interest in what is called on this side of the pond "easy listening". I'm sure that everyone has a different definition of just what that means (just as they do for folk, pop, etc.). For me it's meant folks like Tom Jones, Engelbert, Sinatra, Streisand, Celine etc. They're all talented, but just don't do anything for me. In the same vein I never found much to write home about with bands like The Kingston Trio, Brothers Four, or Peter Paul and Mary (after their first album). Not to say that I'm anti-pop. I was/am a huge Beatles fan, likewise the Kinks, Stones, CCR and a fair number of other bands who certainly were mainstream.
I think my sometimes cynical outlook on mainstream society is often reflected in my totally obsessive love of traditional musics. As a kid, when I needed a voice or some kind of came from Leadbelly and Woody..not Elvis. 'Course, if I'd been able to dance, I might never have discovered folk at all.

The "rap" listening experience is on hold now. I just wanted to have an idea of what I was shooting my mouth off about...when the next time comes.
Rick (still feeling like ratshit)