The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76172   Message #1347545
Posted By: The Shambles
04-Dec-04 - 06:07 PM
Thread Name: BS: What constitutes a bad post?
Subject: RE: BS: What constitutes a bad post?
Seems to work pretty well, so far as I can see.

The fact that we are still going around and around and these posts are still being responded to (in any way, including deleting them) and Joe contributes here and talks down to the rest of us in superior brown - partly as not to refresh threads like this one that he does not like - suggests that there may be something wrong with your vision.

If anyone really wants to post something that would be liable to get excised - for example a personal attack on somebody, or a bunch of racist remarks - all they need to do it stuck it up on a website of their own, and put a link to it in a post here. I very much doubt if that would get removed, so everyone could be happy. Total freedom to say what you want, and total freedom for anyone else to click on the link and read it.

This is the solution of course - why post anything on the Mudcat open discussion forum at all - why not use this suggested method for everything? Then the vandals with a little help from you and Joe - have won and Max's vision is lost..........

If you me and everyone else are free to ignore posts on another site - why can we not just do on this one and why can we all not be allowed to make that choice for ourselves here? Without Joe and his royal 'we' deciding for us?