The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76172   Message #1347566
Posted By: The Shambles
04-Dec-04 - 06:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: What constitutes a bad post?
Subject: RE: BS: What constitutes a bad post?
Here, here, freda! I suppose if we're trying to be anywhere near democratic in here, then the will of most catters seems to be to accept, and at times even welcome some level of control from Joe.

Jerry - i appreciate your very good intentions, however.

The royal 'we' is the only 'we' that now appears to matter on this part of Max's site that is set aside for a forum for open public discussion forum.

This royal 'we' - has made it clear over many years that they are not making any claim that 'we' are a democracy in any degree. Most long-term contributors have accepted this long-ago and also accpeted that there is little point in making the good natured pretence.

Whether anyone should welcome any form of control from volunteer helpers like Joe is totally imaterial - as it is also made very clear that 'we' apparently have no choice. And as someone will now point out - if I don't like it I can go somwhere else.

Despite this control freakery that has been imposed upon this forum - but because of Max's original concept and the many fine contributors - this forum remains a fine place.

When the control freaks have finally succeded in making our forum ordered and ordinary - I may reconsider. Until then - the control freaks will just have to put up with comments from those who hold and express a different view.