The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76201 Message #1347576
Posted By: Azizi
04-Dec-04 - 06:48 PM
Thread Name: Origin of Aunt Jenny Died?
Subject: RE: Origin of Aunt Jenny Died?
I made a mistake and was incomplete in my description of how the Jenny Jones game is played. The book describes two girls in the center of the circle. The biggest girl iplays the role of the mother and the smaller is Jenny Jones.
Jenny hides behind her "mother" while the mother performs the actions for the chores. The children in the circle move "forward and back" while they sing. At the end of last verse all the girls making up the circle gives a loud shriek, and "Jenny" {or the ghost of Jenny Jones} runs out and tries to tag someone, who now becomes the new 'Jenny'.
The authors write that "Jenny Jones" was probably "Jenny my joe", or "joy".