The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #15227   Message #134766
Posted By: katlaughing
11-Nov-99 - 06:12 PM
Thread Name: What would YOU like see in the auction? Updated
Subject: What would YOU like see in the auction?
Once Bert mentioned on the radio a few weeks back, that anything could be sold in the auction, well...within reason, we started seeing a few different items not necessarily connected to music.

I have really enjoyed sharing jewellry with you and appreciated your support; it is the best, most fun, and easiest way for me to give to the Cat on a continous basis.

Now I am wondering what other types of things Mudcatters would like to see in there. What other interests do you have or what other types of Christmas presents might you be looking for?

If we be as specific as possible, maybe people will see that and say oh, yeah, I have one of those in the attic or saw one the other day for a song at the store, or whatever. So please, let us all know and we'll see what comes of it.

Also, I am interested in knowing if any would be interested in having brochures, resumes, and other promotional services auctioned off. I used to have an ad agency back in MA and have way better computer programs to some of those things now, IF this is not stepping on Max's OnStage Media toes. Max, do you do print stuff? If so, all bets are off, phoaks.

Anyhow, let's dialogue, dahlings and see what we can cook up. Thanks! kat