The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76172   Message #1347887
Posted By: The Shambles
05-Dec-04 - 07:08 AM
Thread Name: BS: What constitutes a bad post?
Subject: RE: BS: What constitutes a bad post?
Joe's "we" means Jerry Rasmussen and many others of us. I'm sorry it doesn't mean "you," Shambles.

You don't sound all that sorry that Joe's 'we' does not include me, but seem quite happy as long as it includes you.

But as I said - it is a shame that Joe's 'we' never appears to mean 'us' anymore and that this further division and yet more exclusion is thought by anyone to be necessary on a public forum, when the object of all this censorship is supposed to be for the benefit all of 'us'.

Jerry does one become part of Joe's 'we' only by always being in complete agreement with everything Joe may say or do and how do I now join and become part of Joe's 'we' - along with you?