The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76172   Message #1347971
Posted By: Jeri
05-Dec-04 - 10:24 AM
Thread Name: BS: What constitutes a bad post?
Subject: RE: BS: What constitutes a bad post?
I never thought of it as 'superior brown'. I'm not sensitive to that sort of thing though. I figure anybody can use any color they want to, and you wouldn't want people mistaking what Joe said for what the poster said when Joe replies in a post...which I'm also not sensitive too, by the way.

Shambles sez:

"The interesting, sad and most telling point - is that the words 'we' or 'I' used by you - never appears to mean 'us' anymore."

Is this, in fact, NOT a song by Neil Diamond? Does it not go something like:

It's a sad and telling point
My heart, this day, is sore
That 'you' and 'I' when used by you--
I've seen the clue, I know it's true,
I'm blue too, and I do rue--
You don't mean 'us' no more.

Now, what's the rest of it?

Seriously, I'm bored by the usual pointless excuse for verbosity, and hyper-defensive control-freakoutery and molehill mountainization. Quibbling about pronoun use and font colors is still pointless, but at least it's a bit different.

Us enjoy this difference, and us thank you for the shift.

As far as deletions not working, I used to work in Public Health and disease intervention was a big thing. Someone had a communicable disease, and we got involved to prevent the spread. You likely would have said we were ineffective, since we still had cases of the disease. We couldn't have proved you wrong, since there was no way to know what was prevented, and therefore, didn't happen.