The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #15236   Message #134890
Posted By: Frankie
11-Nov-99 - 10:38 PM
Thread Name: Thought for the day Nov.12
Subject: Thought for the day Nov.12
Hope I'm not stepping on anyone's toes with this premature posting but I've got to get to bed and I wanted to share this bit from COLD MOUNTAIN by Charles Fraizer with you all.

- Then tell me of your long journey home, Ada said. Inman thought about it, but then he let himself imagine he had at last come out on the far side of trouble and had no wish to revisit it, so he told only how along the way he watched the nights of the moon and counted them out to twenty-eight and then started over, how he watched Orion climb higher up the slope of sky night by night, and how he had tried to walk with no hope and no fear but had failed miserably, for he had done both. But how on the best days of walking he achieved some sucess in matching his thoughts to the weather, dark or bright, so as to attune with what freak of God's mind sent cloud or shine.