The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76262   Message #1349482
Posted By: Peace
06-Dec-04 - 09:49 PM
Thread Name: BS: Philosophy and logic
Subject: RE: BS: Philosophy and logic
Atomists. (from the www)


" There is nothing but atoms and space,
everything else is only an opinion'
- Democritus from Abdera

To get the most exact understanding and become acquainted with the development of thoughts in atomistics one should go back in time for over two thousand years and come to know attainments of ancient Greek philosophers. They were the first to research the world of microstructure. The researches were in considerable range ( but not always ) limited to solely logical considerations not supported by any experiments or discerning observations of nature. That caused many contradictions and often divergences between theory and practice.

Thales from Miletus ( 620?- 540? B. C. )

Anaximander from Miletus (611- 547 B. C. )

Anaximenes from Miletus (570?- 526 B. C. )

Heraclitus from Ephesus (540?- 480 B. C. )

Xenophanes from Colophon (575?- 480? B. C. )

Parmenides from Eleusis (540?- 470? B. C. )

Empedocles from Acragas ( 490?- 430? B. C. )

Anaxagoras from Clazomenae (500?- 428 B. C. )

Leukippos (probably about the 5-th century B. C. )

Democritus from Abdera (460?- 370? B. C. )

Epicurus (342- 270 B. C. )

Titus Lucretius Carus ( 95?- 55 B. C. )

Aristotle (384- 322 B. C. )