The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76262   Message #1349563
Posted By: Peace
06-Dec-04 - 11:39 PM
Thread Name: BS: Philosophy and logic
Subject: RE: BS: Philosophy and logic
Calling All Solipsists

The International Society of Solipsists is currently accepting applications for new members. All interested persons are invited to apply. Please send a brief Vita and three letters of recommendation from yourself.


To form a sense of community with other solipsists worldwide
To interact intellectually with fellow solipsists on a local, national, and international level
To convince others to become solipsists

Official Anthem: "My Way"
Ethics symposium next fall: "The Me Generation"
Followed by a reception in the Hall of Mirrors
Spring Seminar: "Minimizing Ontological Commitments
Solipsists of the world, UNITE!
Running Counter of the Number of Solipsists


(from the www; google of solipsists)