The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #43493 Message #1350414
Posted By: GUEST,
07-Dec-04 - 06:53 PM
Thread Name: CD player repair
Subject: RE: CD player repair
I bought a Technics Mash cd player 15 years ago, when they were new.
It sounded great for 14 years, the manual said the laser wears out and requires after 10 or 15 years - which seemed an eternity away at the time, but the past is so much quicker than the future.
So I tried cleaning the lens after it stopped recognising discs, to no avail - I have even taken the whole thing apart, (I am confident like that, especially when equipment is 14 years out of warranty).
I tried to replace it on Ebay and - guess what - bought another with the identical - undeclared - fault.
There's more moral in this story than there is on ebay, and less hope.
i am trying to find out where I can get a new lens/laser kit, I need 2!