The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76308   Message #1350651
Posted By: Ebbie
08-Dec-04 - 01:10 AM
Thread Name: BS: Awesome Madness of the Fanatic Right
Subject: RE: BS: Awesome Madness of the Fanatic Right
Amos, I read two of those 'Left Behind' books, after my daughter told me I had to.

The first one was interesting. Remember that science fiction story where the protagonist and his group decide to try to escape their completely controlled, ala 1984, world? They are chased through the streets by black-suited agents, harassed by helicopters dipping low overhead, road blocks are set up that they have to find their way through or around. They are almost killed again and again. And then FINALLY they break through, they are out of the domed city. And are welcomed by others of like mind in a green world with fresh breezes blowing. The premise of the story is that only those people who fight against the control of their lives, their civilisation, are welcome in the 'real' world. The 'controllers' are the good guys.

That's what that first book reminded me of. It was a seductive process.

Then I read the second book, and horror piled upon horror. I'm not even sure whether I finished it. Talk about black and white. Everyone is either 'for us or against us'. For God or against God. And they are the only ones who know what God wants.