The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76308   Message #1350652
Posted By: Amos
08-Dec-04 - 01:13 AM
Thread Name: BS: Awesome Madness of the Fanatic Right
Subject: RE: BS: Awesome Madness of the Fanatic Right
You know, I get complacent, because I tend to work with and associate with people on the right side of the bell-curve, engineers and scientists and artists and Mudcatters. So yes, it is a rude shock of re-entry to hear someone I respect, like Moyers, describe so deeply and widely held a piece of rampant, life-defying, hypnotic superstition. To invoke so complete a fabrication as part of your world views speaks to such a lack of discrimination as to boggle the mind. Yet Moyers is implying that this widespread overarching insanity is informing a significant portion of American international policy???!!??

This sounds like a cheaply made re-run of the early bloodthirsty fanatic Crusades, before the Renaissance, before the Enlightenment, before the Declaration of Independence, before the Constitution.... have we really made so LITTLE progress in the fine art of being humane?