The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76308   Message #1350876
Posted By: robomatic
08-Dec-04 - 08:44 AM
Thread Name: BS: Awesome Madness of the Fanatic Right
Subject: RE: BS: Awesome Madness of the Fanatic Right
Okay, I gave it a read. I share a lot of the opinions of the folks in this thread, HOWEVER, 'The Awesome Madness Of The Religious Right' is a real poor response. We're going through a kind of second Enlightenment these days, and since technology has enabled world-wide participation, it's a world phenomonenon. The First Enlightenment didn't appeal to a lot of folk, science was reducting humanity from a focal point of God's green earth to a round ball in a deep and mysterious universe. Now Darwin, Freud, and a host of genetics researchers are eliminating not so much God as the need for God. This is a deeply disturbing phenomenon for billions of folk, the underpinnings of their moral compasses.
Technology gives us a bunch of tools. We have to come up with the rules of use.
I believe we are approaching not so much the millenium, but the limits of what traditional fixed religious values can achieve. Yet if we allow the values to 'float' where we gonna go? It's scary stuff.
Anthropomorphising humanity, our human race is finishing the teen years and realizing in some way we're going to leave home, and there's no going back. We may have a glorious future, yet have the power to kill ourselves off. (More than likely we'll end up in some galactic cube farm...that's another thread)
I don't blame millions of Americans who are balking at the future. It's a very human reaction. other folk are under the impression it's all gonna be a cakewalk when those fundy's come around.
The Left Behind Series for me was unreadable. So What? I remember watching a TV program where the star was a talking horse, and another one with a talking car.