The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75516   Message #1351098
Posted By: YorkshireYankee
08-Dec-04 - 01:34 PM
Thread Name: Again, nothing about American folk music
Subject: RE: Again, nothing about American folk music
Sir jOhn, I like that idea (although it's not up to me, of course). If the Events section was split into subsections by country, then people could read/ignore whichever sections they wished. Of course, I don't know how much of a hassle it would be to set things up like that, and you would also run into the question(s) of which countries/areas consistently have enough items of interest to merit their own subsection – for example, we don't get many posts about events in China; should it have its own subcategory, or go in an "other" category? What about Sweden? Germany? It could get even trickier... should both Irelands be included in the UK section, or would that upset some people? (Personally, Australia, Canada, Europe, UK, US and Other sections makes sense to me, but I'd be surprised if everyone was happy with that.)

The other thing that occurs to me is, how long would it be before people start complaining along the lines of "Again, nothing about Hawaiian folk music," or "I'm in California, what do I care about events going on in New York? Why can't you list states/counties/provinces separately?" Followed by "Why can't you list cities separately?" etc.

Thing is, I do actually quite like your idea; it's just that I can all too easily imagine the various headaches it could inspire as well. Of course, they wouldn't actually be my headaches, 'cos (as I said above) it's not actually up to me, but I do sympathise with whoever's headache they would be...