The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76215   Message #1351102
Posted By: JohnInKansas
08-Dec-04 - 01:39 PM
Thread Name: good ideas about sharp knives
Subject: RE: good ideas about sharp knives
Actually, I have a couple of those "rocker knives." I would think that £25 is a bit much. I got one when it was on sale for $3.49 (US) at Walmart, just out of curiosity. I liked it enough to go back and pay the "regular" $9.95 for one for the camper, although I wouldn't have been $10 worth of curious if the first one hadn't been on sale.

It works nicely for mincing things very finely, and doesn't seem to kick stuff around quite as much as using a Chef knife (or the Chinese variety we mentioned above) so you can mince small amounts of stuff on a smaller board. It doesn't work well if your "starting stuff" makes a pile much over about a half inch deep, but I'd think it would work nicely for herbs, especially the "leafy stuff."

The ones like I got come with a little "storage stand" that's adequate ONLY if you can put it somewhere "out of the traffic." I'd recommend against trying to keep one in a drawer with other stuff - as they'll likely eat each other up. I made a "full blade" block that works as a stand when you take the blade out, for the camper. In the block, I feel safe enough putting it in a drawer. Loose, it would be hazardous, since the odd shape makes it "stick up" where you don't expect it.

One of those special purpose gadget things, for special purposes.
