The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #15238   Message #135112
Posted By: Jeri
12-Nov-99 - 01:38 PM
Thread Name: My friend is very sick--BSeed
Subject: RE: My friend is very sick--BSeed
Whipped out my copy of Beneson's "Control of Communicable Diseases in Man."

Viral meningitis is also called aseptic meningitis, Serous meningitis, Non-bacterial or Abacterial meningitis.

A relatively common but rarely serious cinical syndrome with multiple viral etiologies [causes]...

The book does say there are sometimes residual signs lasting a year or more, but (paraphrasing) this is rare.

It also says "Active illness seldom exceeds 10 days," and "Recovery is usually complete."

From the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, a fact sheet on Viral (aseptic) Meningitis.