The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76308   Message #1351204
Posted By: Once Famous
08-Dec-04 - 03:17 PM
Thread Name: BS: Awesome Madness of the Fanatic Right
Subject: RE: BS: Awesome Madness of the Fanatic Right
This is one man's opinion on the far right.

Michael Savage does one of the most popular daily radio shows in the country on why the far left is destroying America and how much damage they have already done to this country.

He is an intelligent, well educated man and quite opinionated. There is a lot to be said positive concerning his arguements concerning "borders, language, and culture" and how the far left is bringing this country down.

Your opinion. My opinion. Personally, it would be nice if all of these guys were put out of business. Bill Moyers really doesn't have any credibility with me as I am sure Michael Savage doesn't have with you.

so, lets's talk about hot dogs!

I got a great PM from a fellow Mudcatter who was in Chicago and got to try one of our great and legendary Hot Dogs at one of the stands at the airport. He just had to PM me and tell me how much he loved it.

Amos, have you ever tried one? do you live in an area that truly has something famous for it's food?

What's that you say? A smegma sandwich? I think I'll pass.