The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75516   Message #1351253
Posted By: Dani
08-Dec-04 - 04:30 PM
Thread Name: Again, nothing about American folk music
Subject: RE: Again, nothing about American folk music
Well, if my little neighborhood is a microcosm, I have to say you're onto something here, Martin. We've had a tough time getting a lively local sing going, though there are plenty of old-time and Irish instrumental jams, and plenty of performances. When I met the Shellbacks at the Getaway last year I was SO jealous. They make music everywhere they go! Pubs and clubs and on buses and planes! And not just the Shellbacks, it (singing, and 'folk' music) seems to still be part of the culture over there, while we Americans (mostly; present company excluded) sit on our asses and pay someone else to make music for us. Kind of reminds me of our political system, now that I'm thinking of it.
