The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76308   Message #1351600
Posted By: Greg F.
08-Dec-04 - 11:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: Awesome Madness of the Fanatic Right
Subject: RE: BS: Awesome Madness of the Fanatic Right
Bill Moyers has long been considered a paragon of the left

Indeed he has been so considered, Landmine, by Bush-worshipers such as yourself, Rove, Norquist & Co. That don't make it so- especially considering the source. Moyers has always been pretty centrist, but even centrism is anathema to the looney right.

And since you bring it up, how anyone with real military experience such as yourself can stand to be associated with the military poseur Bush and his lying, cowardly, draft dodging, chickenhawk, "we had other priorities" crew is beyond me. Classic case of cognitive dissonance & self delusion.