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Thread #6809   Message #135193
Posted By: Bruce O.
12-Nov-99 - 04:39 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Isle of Skye
Subject: Lyr/Tune Add: PRINCE CHARLES' AND FLORA...
The original for comparison.

Said to be from the Gaelic
[Below are Hogg's tune and the earliest version of the tune under the Isle of Sky title.]

Tere are two ponny maytens,
And tree ponny maytens
Come over te Minch,
And come over te main,
Wit te wind for teir way,
And te correi for teir hame:
Let us welcome tem pravely
Unto Shee akain.
[Chorus] Come along, come along,
Wit your poatie and your song,
You two ponny maytens,
And tree ponny maytens;
For te night it is tark,
And te redcoat is gane,
And you're pravely welcome
To Skhee akain.

Tere is Flora, my honey,
So tear and so ponny,
And one tat is tall,
And comely witall;
Put te one as my khing,
And te oter as my quhain,
Tey're welcome unto
Te Isle of Skhee akain.
[Chorus] Come along, come along,
Wit your poatie and your song,
You two ponny maytens,
And tree ponny maytens;
For te lady of Macoulain
She lieth her lane,
And you're pravely welcome
To Skhee akain.

Her arm it is strang,
And her petticoat is lang,
My one ponny maytens,
And two ponny maytens;
Put teir ped shall pe clain,
On te heather most crain,
And tey're welcome unto
Te Isle of Skhee akain.
[Chorus] Come along, come along,
Wit your poatie and your song,
You one ponny mayten,
And you two bonny mayten.
Py te sea-moullit's nest
I will watch o'er te mhain;
And you're tearly welcome
To Skhee akain.

Tere's a wind on te tree,
And a ship on te sea,
My two ponny maytens,
And tree ponny maytens:
On te lee of te rock;
Shall your cradle pe rock;
And you're welcome unto
Te Isle of Skhee akain.
[Chorus] Come along, come along,
Wit your poatie and your song,
My two ponny maytens,
And tree ponny maytens:
More sound you shall sleep,
When you rock on te deep;
And you's aye pe welcome
To Skhee akain.


[Hogg notes that the song was taken verbatim from the mouth of Mrs Betty Cameron from Lochaber. "She said it was from the Gaelic; but if it is, I think it is likely to have been translated by herself" (with, I suspect with considerable help from Hogg, himself.)]

T:Prince Charles and Flora Macdonald's Welcome to Sky.
S: Hogg's 'Jacobite Relics', II, pp. 172-4, 1821
d/ B/|AD/ D/ (G/F/) E/ D/|A D/ E/ (G/F/) E/ D/|\
BE/ F/ (E/F/) G/ A/|BE/ F/ E F/ G/|A G/ F/ dc/ B/|\
B/ A/ G/ F/ED/ E/| (F/E/) D B,/ A,/ B,/ D/ E/|FDD||\
d/ e/|{g/}fd/ f/ {f/}eB/ e/|d/ A/ B/ A/ (G/F/) (E/D/)|\
BE/ F/ (E/F/) G/ A/|BE/ F/ E/ F/ d/ e/|fc/ f/ eB/ e/|\
dA/ d/BF/ B/|D3/2 B,/ (A,/B,/) D/ E/|FDD|]

T:The Prince's welcome to the Isle of Sky
S:Aid's Airs, III [1788]
N:For the Violin
A2D2 (GF)(ED)| A2D2 GFED| B2E2 E>FGA| B2E2 E>FGB|\
BAGF d2cB| BAGF GFED| FEDB, A,>B,DE| F2D2 D2::(de)|\
f2df e2ce| d2Bd BAGF| B2E2 EFGA| B2E2 EFGg|\
fedf edBe| dBAd BAGF| GFED A,B,DE| F2D2 D2::\
ag|f2d2 fgag| f2d2 fgaf| g2e2 efga| b2e2 e2ag|\
f2d2 fgag| f2d2 fgad| ABde faeg| f2d2 d2::g2|\
fedf edBe| dBAd BAGF| BeeE EFGA| BEeE EFGg|\
fedf edBe| dBAd BAGF| GFED A,B,DE| F2D2 D2:|]

T:The Prince's welcome to the Isle of Sky
S:Aird's Airs, III [1788]
N:For the Ger: Flute
"Moderato" ge|\
d2G2 (cB)(AG)| d2G2 cBAG| e2A2 A>Bc>d| e2A2 A>Bc>e|\
edcB g2fe| edcB cBAG| BAGE DEGA| B2G2 G2::(ga)|\
b2gb a2fa| g2eg edcB| e2A2 ABcd| e2A2 ABcc'|\
bagb agea| gedg edcB| cBAG DEGA| B2G2 G2::d'c'|\
b2g2 bc'd'c'| b2g2 bc'd'b| c'2a2 abc'd'| e'2a2 a2d'c'|\
b2g2 bc'd'c'| b2g2 bc'd'g| dega bd'ac'| b2g2 g2::c'2|\
bagb agea| gedg edcB| eaaA ABcd| eAaA ABcc'|\
bagb agea| gedg edcB| cBAG DEGA| B2G2 G2:|]